Advanced Restoration Ecology
Advanced Restoration Ecology
2593 NE Roberta St.
Jensen Beach, Florida 34957

Professional Licenses
Professional Wetland Scientist
License #2640
Licensed Gopher Tortoise Agent
NPDES Stormwater Inspector
License #18905
Commercial Applicator License
License #CM23926
PADI Rescue Diver / Enriched Air Diver
License #0702041373/0610004616
Certified Wildlife Biologist
ISA Certified Arborist #298242
WEDG Certified #cdmzt5mkza
Certified Ecological Restoration Practitioner #0787
Certified Ecologist
Environmental project management,
permitting and consulting
Environmental Assessments
Wetland delineations
Gopher tortoise surveys
Gopher tortoise permitting and
FWC enforcement resolution and
Mangrove permitting and trimming
Environmental resource permitting
(Local, State, Federal)
Endangered species studies, reports,
and permitting
Seagrass/ benthic survey and monitoring
Seawall and dock permitting
Tree Surveys and mitigation calculations
Project management
NPDES Inspections
Preserve area management plans PAMP
Preserve impact enforcement resolution and permitting
Mitigation banking
Shoreline protection zone permitting
Wetland waivers
Habitat restoration and creation
Wetland restoration
Preserve management and
Wildlife management, food plots
Controlled Burns
Land management
Exotic species removal​
Full scale FDACS licensed native plant
Environmental project management, permitting and consulting
Environmental Assessments
Wetland delineations
Gopher tortoise surveys
Gopher tortoise permitting and relocation
FWC enforcement resolution and permitting
Mangrove permitting and trimming
Environmental resource permitting (Local, State, Federal)
Endangered species studies, reports, and permitting
Seagrass/ benthic survey and monitoring
Seawall and dock permitting
Tree Surveys and mitigation calculations
Project management
NPDES Inspections
Preserve area management plans (PAMP)
Preserve impact enforcement resolution and permitting
Mitigation banking
Shoreline protection zone / Wetland waivers
Habitat restoration and creation
Wetland restoration
Preserve management and maintenance
Wildlife management, food plots
Controlled Burns
Land management and exotic species removal​
Full scale FDACS licensed native plant nursery